
Thursday, 28 February 2013

Shopping with an Art Student

Managed to persuade my boyfriend to walk with me to the shops this evening~ The lighting was so lovely! I'm not sure why but I really like the photo with the keys, I think it's because the lighting's a really beautiful golden colour which highlights the wood grain. We came back with such an odd assortment too! I couldn't resist the dinosaur bin for 50p :P The rest is an idea for my current project work on Traces... Apart from the dictionary, I got the idea from my dad (feel free to stalk his blogspot for some amazing altered art and crafting ideas!) to use it as an alternative to old book paper within journalling :)
Taken through sunglasses! :P I love the light glare~

The bubbles and lighting were too tempting not to take some shots with my Olympus camera! :) There's a lovely golden sheen to them that I love~

i love my boyfriend! :')

Thursday, 21 February 2013


Standard attractive bowling shoe photo...
 I don't think I've ever had such a good game of bowling for a pound fifty! Too much happened that not even a split spare was the best part of the evening :P

Think these images just about sum it up! :P

The night started off with my sister being taught how to bowl by ed, (whom of which bought the child's bowling tool out later! his logic was with one pin left, if he aimed it right down the gutter it wouldn't miss... it did! :P )
My sister being taught how to bowl by her boyfriend :P

The Men
Throughout the game my sister and I had been playing appallingly (been a while; naturally...! ;P )
Until Shenay managed her first spare by just throwing the ball without aiming...

Lightening never strikes twice he said!
 Jamie then managed to get a spare despite having two pins left, one each side! Nothing could beat that we thought.. :P

Turns out lightening strikes twice much to ed's misfortune :P My sister managed to repeat her previous spare in the exact identical fashion :P Ed now owes her a diamond ring ;)

Also turns out kicking the bowl doesn't work either, as shown in exhibit A :P
Exhibit A

The night then finished with Sam being scared by his reflection in a piece of glass on the walk home :P Next year's gonna be fun... we're gonna be living in close vicinity to the alley :P

Monday, 18 February 2013

A day of being weird

Sunshine in Preston! Never thought I'd be able to say that! :P Naturally this resulted in rather a couple-y day in Avenham Park :D
My family have a tradition where we take photos of our shoes wherever we go traveling~ hence my sister and I thought we'd be cute and replicate this :P 'gay' according to our other halves :P
I feel very happy and lucky~! <3
Also my hair's so red at the moment!! :D This makes me happy haha :P

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Sunshine in a rainy place

Such gorgeous weather at the moment and my sister arrived today with her boyfriend<3 It's been so much fun! somehow already feels like they're part of the flat :P

Even mish'd it to Sainsburys and ended up dragging a family bag of pasta back :') got a little family of 5 to cook for this week :P only in our flat would you cut onions with a gas mask... :P

Saturday, 16 February 2013

An eventful morning~

Managed to break my student sleeping pattern this morning to go see the Steam-Train arrival this morning with my boyfriend :D Forgotten how exciting it can be! The steam was everywhere and the whistle still managed to make me jump haha~ made a day of it and went on the 'usual' Starbucks date before attempting to buy something from Argos for the first time! Never before have I been so confused in my life :P got there in the end though (y) I now have a fairly cheap pair of straighteners, the packaging of which makes me laugh :P

Such Beautiful Machinery!

Not every day you see a sight like this! : )

Here comes the sun!

Almost forgot! There was a really beautiful sunset tonight~ you could see the the sphere shape of the sun! Thought the clouds were beautifully defined and thought I'd belatedly share this with you :) I'm going to miss the view out of this window next year! I'm sure I must have a blog-ful of sunset photos haha :P



It's been such a quiet week since I last posted! Had a really lovely quiet day in the printmaking studios today  though : ) I really liked this letter set which caught my eye this morning, I like how randomly assorted it is! We had a really interesting artist's demonstration on monoprinting too, it'd be a lot of fun to maybe start my own in my spare time! Then spent the rest of the day experimenting and creating my own screen prints~

Finished the day with a special treat from my boyfriend and a Friday night in with the flat, only in 53 can we turn a sober night into full scale makeshift jousting :') <3


Sunday, 10 February 2013


Hello! :) I'm not really sure what to write now that I've actually started :') Part of me wants to backtrack as I have so many photos and memories to share but the OCD in me is kicking in and wants everything to be neat and chronologically ordered :P
I suppose starting with an Introduction is due; I am a first year art student currently studying Drawing and Image Making at University (I often get 'that's not one I've heard of before', neither had I haha) It allows me to explore art techniques and gives me the freedom to experiment so I'm happy~ 
It's also kinda scary to realise I've almost lived for two decades. 
I'm a firm believer in the 'Que SerĂ¡, serĂ¡', I'm the glass half full kinda person :P Hence the attached image, courtesy of, a site where I've found so many beautiful images and Inspirational quotes~ My personal life quote is 'You need both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow'~ ever the optimist! :) 

I love taking photos, I almost always have either my phone or camera on me, and with the recent addition of Instagram courtesy of a new phone, It's almost inevitable I'll have unintentionally uploaded at least a photo a day. One day I'd like to officially follow the 365 photos challenge but the idea of commitment is an issue I'm currently working to overcome~
So I suppose this will be a place for me to do so, somewhere I can record the little things in life :) 

Alyssa x