
Saturday, 9 November 2013

Waldeinsamkeit- Delamere Forest

Waldeinsamkeit; n. The feeling of being alone in the woods

For my current uni project, I found a series of foreign words untranslatable into english, one of which caught my eye in particular; the German word Waldeinsamkeit, meaning the feeling of being alone in the woods. So, I  decided to drag Sam along for a daytrip to some woods for the day. He suggested Delamere Forest in Cheshire, somewhere I had never been before so we decided to make a day of it! 

Look Up, Look Down



Childhood Nostalgia;

 The small things :) 

The weather changed so much throughout the day! It was very drizzly and grey in the morning but as Twilight Hour approached the woods were suddenly transformed into an inexplicable beauty as the light hit the trees!
This combined with the gorgeous autumn colours and pastel sunset was an exciting end to such a lovely day.

At the very last minute on our way out of the forest we managed to stumble upon this absolutely gorgeous lake! Words cannot quite describe the feeling of stillness and ever so slightly eerie it was there. It was very tranquil though and a fantastically surreal end to the day! 

Sunday, 3 November 2013

This is Halloween!

Despite the miserable weather this week, fancy dress has been on full form. Thought I'd share with you my makeup for the Halloween Pub Quiz special inspired again by the Sugar Skull Day of the Dead style makeup. Sam went with a more 'Sweeney Todd' doctor feel... It was a fun night, despite doing poorly on the actual quiz haha.