
Sunday, 31 March 2013

Easter Sunday Meanderings

''Every end is a new beginning''
Happy Easter everyone! :) Had a really fun drive south, spent the majority of it doodling in my journal as you can see below. I really like the sketchiness of the lines, I tried to draw things that caught my eye as we drove past them, I really like the results :) Carried on the Easter tradition with a family gathering :P I've been spoilt this year :3 It was so nice having roast dinners again after living off a student timetable and budget! :P  Also succeeded in getting my sister addicted to Skyrim and she introduced me to Fallout by the same producers! It's been really nice to get out and about in the countryside again, I've been able to experiment again with my Olympus as you can see below haha :D

I have a theory. My theory is about moments, moments of impact. My theory is that these moments of impact, these flashes of high intensity that completely turn our lives upside down actually end up defining who we are."- The Vow

Being with someone who does photography professionally is really inspiring to look at life from a different perspective, like this, I really like the softness, almost silkiness of the reflection against the coarser texture of the mud.
Messing with Long exposure, I really like the half desaturated effect on this :D
Waving a white gloved hand across the lens... hello ghosts :P I really like this shot, it seems like a modelling shoot

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