Going home always has its benefits... free food, washing, cleaning, full access to the bookshelves..! This summer I took full advantage of this and raided my dad and sister's bookshelves, as well as reread a few favourites! Brandon Sanderson is a new found favourite fantasy author of mine and my dad's and now many of my friends too having introduced them to his 'Mistborn' Trilogy..if you haven't read it, I'd highly recommend it! Over summer I had the opportunity to read his new 'Alloy of Law' and 'Elantris', the first of which was very different in style to his usual which I struggled to get into, but the latter was very good! I also had the opportunity to read the 'current reads' courtesy of my sister. Perks was surprisingly good, I enjoyed it a lot more the second time round after watching the film. I'm also a new fan of John Green whose books can only be described as thought provoking. I found Paper Towns the most interesting and despite constant weeping his 'The fault in our Stars' is very very good!
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