
Monday, 1 July 2013

Mother and Daughter time~


Sunshine! Today mom and I decided to take advantage of the gorgeous weather and pack a picnic to go walking down the local footpaths to us. It was so nice being able to go walking in familiar places again; a place for old and new memories to crash and collide! The path into the public footpath was very overgrown with nettles initially, wrong day to wear shorts! Once you got past that though, the view of the orchard was lovely, and I found some gorgeous purple leaves that were stunning when the light caught them! It was so luscious and green! We sat by the little pond for a bit, the reflection in the water was so blue against the green grass! Before setting off into the fields where some pretty wild flowers grew along the edges~ we couldn't decide what the main crop was to some of the fields. Along the way we stopped for lunch( roast chicken sandwich yum!) by an old hollow tree; I still have an old photo of me in it when I was younger haha. We just meandered through the fields for a bit more after that before finally heading home as it was baking hot! 

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